Wednesday 17 April 2013

Numbers to 20 - Card Games

Pupils working in group of threes to play the number matching card game. This game provide a platform to check that pupils know how numbers from 11-20 are written in numeral and words.

Stellar EL Experiential Activity

After reading the story on 'The Hungry Giant', pupils were given the chance to work in group to make a jam sandwich and to do group writing based on their sandwich making experience.

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Term 2 Rainbow Day cum International Friendship Day Celebration

On top of the celebration...1F class won 3rd place in the candid shot for the Healthy Fruit Eating during their PAL lesson in Term 1... :-D

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Term 1 Rainbow Day cum Total Defence Celebration

1F first 'Rainbow Day' in EDP. Pupils came to school dressed in their own costumes. They had an enjoyable time watching the upper primary pupils performed on the stage.

Term 2 PAL - Performing Arts

In Term 2, pupils will be attending PAL lessons related to performing arts (music). In these lessons, pupils will learn about rhythms and how to work in groups to come up with small group performance.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Term 1 PAL -Sports

In Term 1, pupils had 'Sports' for their PAL lessons. These lessons taught pupils about 'general' & 'personal' space. It also provide many opportunities for pupils to learn how to work together as a class and in small groups. The photos showed pupils in action at different activities conducted over the 8 lessons.


For the month of Feburary, pupils were provided fruits to eat after their PAL lessons. Yummy!!!

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Issued SSC & Term 2 Holistic Assessments Test dates

Dear Parents,

Your child was issued the School Smart Card(SSC) yesterday. A letter was given out to inform parents about the usage of the SSC. As we encourage pupils to borrow storybooks from the library, I would urge parents to either let your child bring their SSC (either the original or photocopied) to school everyday. This will enable your child to borrow books during recess time.

I had also issued the letter for Term 2 Holistic Assessments to the pupils yesterday. As most of the assessments carried out this term are summative assessments (with weigtage), please kindly encourage your child to do some revision at home.

Thank you very much for your great cooperation. :)

READ@SCHOOL online Survey

Dear Parents,

First of all, thank you for your effort in taking to complete the hardcopy Read@School survey by the NLB to find out more about your child's reading habit.

I would like to request for your assistance in submitting your child’s survey responses at the following website for NLB collation too. This web link is unique for Endeavour pupils and will allow collation of data to be done more easily. Please kindly submit the survey before 14 March 2013.

Once again, thank you very much for taking up time to complete the survey. I will collect the set of hardcopy survey from your child too.